The principle of phone signal jammers

Cell phone jammers interfere with the electromagnetic signals of mobile networks, specifically targeting downlink and uplink signals. By interfering with this range, jammers block network data transmission while allowing mobile phones to send signals to other receivers.

The effectiveness of a mobile signal jammer depends on the ratio of the strength of the fill signal to the strength of the mobile signal in the area. Generally, the closer the phone is to the base station, the stronger the signal, so the smaller the area that can be jammed, usually a radius of 0.5 to 9.0 meters. Jammers lose effectiveness when they are close to the base station. Conversely, if the mobile signal is weak, the interference radius can reach 5 to 50 meters. Assessing the mobile signal strength in the target area is essential to determine the appropriate number, installation location, and combination of cell phone jammers to effectively interfere with the signal.

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For example, if the desired interference range is within 200 meters, a single cell phone jammer mounted 1 to 1.8 meters above the ground is sufficient. If necessary, additional jammers can be placed on the front and back walls, spaced 200 meters or more apart. In outdoor environments, multiple jammers can be deployed, even up to 1000 meters or more. The cellular approach disperses the jammers to provide optimal coverage.

Different countries have legal standards that allocate specific frequencies for various applications to prevent signal interference. Therefore, as long as the specified frequency regulations are met, mobile phone jammers can interfere with other electronic devices such as radios and televisions without affecting phone signals. In addition, mobile phone wifi jammers can receive or interrupt the transmission link between mobile phones and base stations, ensuring that the use of mobile phones is not affected.

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It is worth noting that although the signals emitted by jammers are stronger than BCH (broadcast channel) signals, a large number of tests have shown that they are still weaker than the electromagnetic waves generated by mobile phones or networks. Therefore, there is no evidence that long-term use of jammers will cause any harm to human health.

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