Can full-band jammers penetrate walls?

A full-band jammer is a device that transmits a wireless signal of a specific frequency to interfere with or block the signal transmission of other devices. The ability of a full-band jammer to penetrate walls depends on several factors, including signal frequency, transmit power, and the material used for the wall.

When customers ask whether full-band WiFi jammers can be installed in the corridors of examination rooms and how effective they are at penetrating walls, we can provide the following analysis and answers:

The wall penetration performance of a full-band jammer is affected by the following factors:

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1.Signal frequency:

Generally speaking, the higher the frequency, the worse the signal penetration ability. High-frequency signals are more easily blocked by objects such as walls and obstacles. Therefore, the wall penetration effect will be affected by the specific frequency used by the jammer.

2.Transmit power:

The transmit power of the jammer also affects signal penetration. If the transmit power of the jammer is large enough, it may be able to penetrate thin walls or obstacles. However, thicker concrete or metal walls may pose greater challenges to signal penetration, even with higher transmit power.

high performance jammersignal 4g 5g jammers (4)

3.Wall material:

The type of material used for the wall will significantly affect signal penetration. Walls made of materials such as reinforced concrete may reduce signal penetration, while walls made of wood or stone may have better signal penetration.

Therefore, whether a full-band cell phone jammer can effectively penetrate walls depends on the specific usage scenario and environmental conditions. In some cases, it may be able to penetrate thin walls or obstacles, while in other cases, it may require direct line of sight with the device to be interfered with to achieve the desired effect.

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