Construction process and bidding precautions for prison mobile phone signal blocking systems?

1.Site survey

Survey: Comprehensively check the internal structure layout of the prison, including relevant information such as building dimensions (length, width, floor height), corridor location, and the external environment around the prison, including the distribution and distance of nearby base stations.

Measurement: Measure and record the location, signal strength, frequency distribution, etc. of nearby base stations of various operators.

2.Simulation, demonstration and design optimization

Implement construction according to the design plan and optimize according to specific requirements to achieve the best shielding effect.

Gradually partition the installation, optimize and debug each part. Verify the shielding effect, check for external interference, and make necessary adjustments for further optimization.

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3.Comprehensive self-inspection

Perform a comprehensive self-inspection, verify the shielding effect, identify any external interference, and perform radiation detection.

Use a spectrum analyzer to test and analyze indicators.

Use mobile phones of different standards and brands to verify the shielding effect.

Use a radiation detector to measure the radiation level.

4.User training and trial operation

Perform comprehensive user training, including technical knowledge, principles, operation, maintenance, effect verification, etc.

Cooperate with users to verify the shielding effect inside the prison and ensure interference-free operation outside the prison.

After the trial run is successful, submit the system completion materials and start the final test. Popular cell phone jammers and WIFI jammers in Europe and America.

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After-sales service tracking stage

Prison jammer system project bidding matters:

  1. Emphasize the shielding effect and acceptance method:
  • Avoid specifying the name, configuration or quantity of the equipment to avoid acceptance disputes due to insufficient shielding performance but sufficient quantity.
  • It is stipulated that the effective shielding rate of the designated area must exceed 99.9%.
  • Clearly stipulate the areas that must be kept free of interference, and outline the responsibilities and procedures for handling interference.
  • Specify whether on-site radiation detection should comply with health standards or radiation standards.
  1. Prevent the bidder from making false technical replies:
  • Clarify key technical requirements in the bidding documents.
  • Require bidders to provide detailed descriptions, pictures and supporting materials for products that meet the technical requirements.
  • Require bidders to provide technical products during the bidding process for verification by the bidding committee, including power-on demonstrations, technical explanations, etc.
  • Verify the certificates or relevant documents provided by the bidder, and seek verification from the official issuing department or channel if necessary.
  1. Prevent bidding errors and ensure smooth implementation of the project:
  • The winning bidder must complete the experimental installation and commissioning of the designated shielding area within the specified time.
  • The validity of the winning bid or contract is determined based on achieving the expected results.
  • If the expected results are not achieved, the next candidate is allowed to win the bid or re-tender.
  • No payment is required before the expected results are successfully achieved.

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