The basic principles and effects of wireless signal jammers

The working principle of the wireless signal jammer is basically as follows:

Modern mobile phones use the increased frequency to establish communication with the base station, and the base station transmits the signal to the mobile service exchange center. In standby mode, the mobile phone establishes a connection with the base station through the broadcast control channel. When a call is initiated, the mobile phone requests instructions from the service channel according to the channel conditions near the terminal, thereby switching to the service channel for calling and transmitting data.

In order to achieve effective communication, 4G wireless networks require sufficient signal-to-noise ratio.

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Using the above working principle, a 4G wireless WIFI jammer can be constructed, which usually includes a power supply, an electronic scanning control unit, a segmented RF module unit, an amplifier unit, and a transmitting antenna unit. The signal generator generates a scanning signal, which is fed into the oscillator and adjusted to the mobile communication working frequency band, and then the voltage is amplified and the power is controlled by the power amplifier, and finally the amplified scanning signal is transmitted into the air in the form of radio waves.

The features of the wireless signal jammer include:

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  1. Portable design, can be installed in vehicles or temporary sites for use.
  2. Broadband shielding coverage, which can continuously block wireless signals in the common frequency bands of 20MHz to 3000MHz.
  3. Modular internal structure, flexible combination, 0 channel independent switching, with fault alarm function.
  4. Each channel module has independent on/off control.
  5. Efficient frequency division, which can better interfere with signals of different frequencies.
  6. Optimal power distribution, minimize power loss and improve efficiency. The power can be adjusted according to on-site needs.
  7. The wireless cell phone jammer prevents the mobile phone from receiving normal 4G data sent by the base station, effectively cutting off the connection between the mobile phone and the communication network, resulting in no signal, no service, and no ability to search the network, achieving an ideal shielding effect.

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